Spotlight: AU’s Student Organizations


Did you know that researchers have found a positive link between extracurricular involvement and higher academic achievement among students?

Webber, Krylow, and Zhang (2013) found that students who participate in both in-class and extracurricular academic and social activities reported both higher grades and a more satisfying experience at their institutions.

AU offers a wealth of student organizations, from the Catholic Club to the Sports & Fitness Club. Getting involved in one of the many student organizations or starting your own can be an excellent way to improve your experience. You can find the list of AU student organizations and their contact information below. Get involved today!

Student Success Bonus Tip: Want to make a difference while developing the skills needed to be a competent professional? Consider running for AU’s Student Council to make your voice heard!

For more information about starting your own student organization, joining an existing one, or applying for the Student Council, visit the Student Affairs office or call extension 3286.

Webber, K. L., Krylow, R. B., & Zhang, Q. (2013). Does Involvement Really Matter? Indicators of College Student Success and Satisfaction. Journal of College Student Development, 54(6), 591-611.


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