Reflection from the Dean of Students


Dean’s Message

Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 have flown by and now we are entering the Summer 2023 semester. It has been a pleasure to engage with you, our students, and hear your ideas and thoughts, celebrate the good moments, and walk with you through the challenging times. Thank you for allowing us to serve you in diverse ways. It always brings me joy to walk around campus and see you in the study rooms, meditation rooms, the student affairs suite, the library, the student success center, the hallways, classrooms, the outside walkway, and even say hello by the parking lot. It is a pleasure to see you all engaged in campus activities, from club rush and student celebrations to student leadership ceremonies. You are the reason we serve. Know that my office is always open to you; let me know how we can better serve you.

I look forward to seeing you this summer session! Stay Connected!

Your Dean of Students,

Dr. Floralba Arbelo