Join us April 27th – The Denim Day Campaign


Stand in solidarity with survivors of abuse across the world. The Denim Day campaign began in 1999 to protest and overturn an Italian Supreme Court Decision to dismiss charges against a 45-year-old rape suspect because the victim was wearing jeans. The supreme court justice argued that “Because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them… and by removing the jeans… it was no longer rape but consensual sex.” The Italian Supreme Court dismissed charges against a 45-year-old rape suspect because his 18-year-old victim was wearing jeans at the attack. The Head Judge argued, “Because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them… and by removing the jeans… it was no longer rape but consensual sex.” This egregious decision caused a worldwide outcry from those who understand that threats and violence go along with the act of rape. Albizu University wishes to observe Denim Day to honor all survivors who have experienced victim-blaming. Denim Day is a symbol of protest against misconceptions that surround sexual assault.