Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month


During the period of September 15 – October 15 each year, the United States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month to commemorate the history, culture, and achievements of Hispanic Americans in the United States. Growing up as a New York Rican in Red Hook Brooklyn, I did not see many Hispanics around me but learned about my culture at home through language, food, and family. As I progressed in middle and high school, few of my teachers and none of my professors in college were of Hispanic descent; little did I know I was living in a bi-cultural context. I was taught to navigate my uniqueness through achievement; education was highlighted at home as an equalizer – little did I know, I was being taught to strategize my equity through education. These contexts are now fascinating to look back upon and reflect on the many theories surrounding my life experience. I am grateful to belong to a diverse cultural group and am proud of my Hispanic Heritage. – Dr. Arbelo

I have put together a list of Hispanic Heritage virtual events and resources that you may be interested in attending:

View Video Explaining History of Hispanic Heritage month in the U.S. https://fb.watch/8hDsjNTKWy/

The Smithsonian has several virtual exhibits and events: https://www.si.edu/events/heritagemonth

The Library of Congress is hosting Cambalache on September 29th: https://www.loc.gov/item/event-401562/homegrown-cambalache/2021-09-29/

La Palabra Archive Release: https://guides.loc.gov/palabra-archive

Facts about Hispanics for Hispanic Heritage Month: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/09/09/key-facts-about-u-s-latinos-for-national-hispanic-heritage-month/

Two Hispanic Novelists – Literary Giants – Allende and Cisneros https://www.npr.org/2021/09/22/1039552191/interview-isabel-allende-sandra-cisneros

NPR – Fall Latino Music Preview: https://www.npr.org/2021/09/10/1035881142/fall-music-preview