A Message from the Dean!


Welcome to the Albizu University Miami Campus’s Fall 2021 Semester! As we prepare for the classes, I want you to know that I am committed to supporting your development as a professional and a global citizen! Our office is here to ensure that you are engaged and supported throughout your academic journey at Albizu University and beyond. If you encounter an unexpected obstacle along the way, we are here to help. Please take advantage of opportunities to engage in the events and opportunities we offer to enhance your educational experience.  We believe that student engagement is a part of the  fabric of your education; this is why every Monday an email goes out of my office with the week’s events, announcements, and reminders. Take advantage of these events that are developed with you in mind. We use several forms of communication, social media, texts, website, and email to promote activities – so keep an eye out for opportunities to engage.

I am privileged to serve as your Dean of Students and focus my leadership on creating an engaging and inclusive experience. If you have an idea for a workshop, event, or want to be involved, email me at farbelo@albizu.edu or email student council – at student_council@albizu.edu. We want you to reach your personal potential while pursuing your educational goals.

Here are a few resources you will want to bookmark on your desktop or laptop:

Student Success Portal in Blackboard – it is a one stop shop for information, departmental information, calendars, academic catalog, graduation application, pre-recorded workshops, links to resources, job postings, career development, and much more. Link: https://bb.albizu.edu/ultra/organizations/_9255_1/cl/outline

Student Success Center Tutoring Digital Scheduler– all subjectsand weekend tutors available https://www.picktime.com/albizututoring

Graduate Student Research Center and Writing Helps – graduate student statistics, writing, thesis, and dissertation support https://www.picktime.com/albizugraduatecenter

Career Services and Placement – In the student success portal there is an area with previous workshops hosted over the past year. There are other resources and links as well. For one one one support with your resume, cover letter, and job search -please contact Ms. Lily Martinez our Student Success and Career Placement Coordinator at lmartinez@albizu.edu or 305 593 1223 ext. 3102.

Need Counseling? Feeling stressed? Experiencing anxiety? Need to meet with a counselor? Use this form: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/b4fa6faac8b24d868d35c3cae17167c4                                                  (This is a private and confidential service we offer to our students free of service)

There are many resources available to you. Let me know how we can best serve you. Email my office at dosa@albizu.edu. Best wishes for a successful semester this fall 2021.

Dr. Arbelo

Dean of Student Affairs

Associate Professor of Education


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